Wednesday, October 14, 2009

La Ropa

Objetivos de la lección:
Aqui esta lección se enfocará en la gramatica.
Comenzamos la lección con una historia pequeña que habla de la ropa. Las palabras que ellos deben prestar attención se encuentran en azul. Al mismo tiempo ellos observan los dibujos de la página 98, mientras yo narro la historia. Después de que yo termine la nini historia, preguntaré a cada persona de la clase que me lea la palabra arriba de la foto, y después le pregunto si el o ella tiene ese tipo de ropa. Para ver si ellos entienden el vocabulario, haremos una actividad en parejas o solos y que me digan: que tipo de ropa se pondrian para una boda, un funeral, una fiesta, para ir a un restaurante fino, para ir a la iglesia. Finalmente tomarán una pruebita en Qia, basada en la información que se encuentra en un video de youtube.

Do you know how to say certain articles of clothing in Spanish?
-les pido que apunten en una hoja de papel las palabras de la ropa que ellos ya saben.
-después que terminen les pregunto a cada uno que escribieron.

Despues,enseno el powerpoint mostrando el material que estudiaremos.

Les pido que vayan al libro en página 98, y que me digan como se dice cada articulo de ropa en español.

With a partner or by yourself, answer the following questions using the information on page 98.
1) ¿que tipo de ropa se ponen para una boda?
2)¿que tipo de ropa se ponen para un funeral?
3)¿que tipo de ropa se ponen para ir a una fiesta?
4)¿que tipo de ropa se ponen para ir a la iglesia?
5)¿que tipo de ropa para comer en un restaurante fino?

prestando attención en el vocabulario de pagina 98 en el libro de texto.

Watch the video bellow, take careful notes about the clothing the people in the video are wearing, then go to the link bellow the video and take the short quiz. the final thing you will do is publish a comment on how the lesson worked for you.

Quia quiz


  1. I thought that the quiz was pretty easy. I liked the visual of the people dancing to help remember the different names for different clothing. Kelly Zarcone

  2. I thought that this quiz was easy. On question four however, there were two answers that were the same word, so that was a bit confusing. I liked that we got to compare the visuals from the video to the words we've been learning. This was an interesting task.
    Alyssa Morlan

  3. The quiz was pretty easy as long as you knew the vocabulary and the video was a nice visual. Like Alyssa said though on question 4, there were two of the same answers. Otherwise, it was easy to understand. -Ariel

  4. Elisa
    the quiz was medium some unfamilar vocb.
    the video help the quiz. the audio was little poor.

  5. Halley Ross: I didn't think the quiz was too hard or easy - it seemed just about right. I thought that the video was kind of long when we were just supposed to be noticing what the dancers were wearing.

  6. The quiz was fine except for the repeat answer on question 4. I enjoyed watching this video because I could see their clothing and culture.

  7. I thought that the quiz was pretty easy. All the answers were in the video and you just had to find where they (the answers) were.

    Alex J.

  8. The quiz was pretty straightforward and simple. I liked the video because it was a great cultural and visual demonstration of a marketplace in El Salvador. Annalise Nunn

  9. I thought that the quiz was quite simple and it was nice to see a visual with the vocab. Jenna Hase

  10. I thought the video and quiz were pretty cool. I liked the part when they sang the best. Overall a neat activity.
    -Krystal Redford
